Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Ohio

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Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Ohio

Bicycle Injury Attorneys

People walking or riding bikes are uniquely vulnerable to inattentive or reckless drivers on the road. A 2,000-pound vehicle with significant momentum doesn’t need to hit a bike rider very hard for the cyclist to suffer catastrophic, life-changing injuries. If you’ve been injured, our Bicycle Accident Lawyers at the Buckeye Law Group are here to fight for you.

Injured bike riders are often left with permanent disabilities or, at the very least, sky-high medical costs. If you were injured in a bike accident, chances are good you weren’t at fault. The Buckeye Law Group is here to fight for you.

You Have the Right to Safety When Riding Your Bike

Traffic laws in Ohio are designed to protect everyone, not just drivers. Bicycle riders are easier to miss than cars, especially at night, dawn or dusk. Drivers pulling out of driveways or parking lots don’t always check for oncoming riders in bike lanes. People parked along streets sometimes open their car doors directly in front of bike riders, resulting in serious injuries.

Whatever the cause of your bicycle injury accident, you can trust the Buckeye Law Group to help. Our Bicycle Accident Lawyers take a thorough approach to investigating accidents and calculating damages. We understand how insurance companies operate and will approach your case with diligence and dedication.

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How Do I Get Compensation Without Bicycle Insurance?

If you were injured by a car, truck or SUV driver while you were riding your bike, the negligent driver should be responsible for your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering and property damage. They and their auto insurance company are responsible for covering your damages.

However, insurance companies generally aren’t eager to part with their money. They’ll do everything they can to make it seem as if the accident was your fault, minimize the severity of your injuries or convince you that your damages aren’t as high as you believe.

The Ohio bike accident lawyers at the Buckeye Law Group understand all the insurance company tricks. We’ll carefully gather evidence, analyze the facts of your case and document how your bicycle accident injuries have impacted your qualify of life and livelihood. Your personal injury team will strive to clearly show the driver was at fault for your injuries and accurately calculate what those injuries cost you.