Third-Party Construction Accident Attorneys in Cleveland, OH

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Third-Party Construction Accident Attorneys in Cleveland, OH

Third-Party Construction Accident Attorneys in Cleveland, OH

Many Clevelanders find profitable work in construction, which allows them to pay their bills and put food on the table. As rewarding as construction work may be, it also comes with some serious risks. Construction sites are some of the most dangerous work environments. It’s not uncommon for construction workers to suffer life-altering injuries, some of which may prevent them from returning to work or earning a living in the future.

The most common types of construction site-related injuries include:

  • Slips, trips and falls: These are some of the most common types of construction site-related injuries. They can occur due to wet or slippery surfaces, uneven ground or inadequate lighting.
  • Burns: Burns can be caused by contact with hot surfaces or materials.
  • Eye injuries: These can occur due to flying debris, dust particles, welding sparks and other hazardous materials on the construction site that could cause damage to the eyes.
  • Hearing loss: This is a common type of injury that occurs due to prolonged exposure to loud noises on the construction site without proper hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs.
  • Head injuries: Tools can fall off scaffolding and people can trip, fall and hit their head. There’s a reason hard hats are required when on a construction site.
  • Broken bones and crushed limbs: From falling off ladders or roofs to having limbs crushed under or by heavy machinery, there are a nearly limitless number of ways construction workers can suffer broken bones or crushed limbs on the job.

Employers in Ohio have a legal obligation to provide workers’ compensation coverage. This benefit is particularly important for contractors and construction employees who work in risky and accident-prone environments, such as construction sites.

For those injured on the job, seeking advice from Third-Party Construction Accident Attorneys in Cleveland, OH can be crucial in navigating complex legal situations and ensuring fair compensation for injuries sustained.

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Our Lawyers Care About Ohio Workers

If you’ve suffered a serious construction-related injury, you are entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. If your employers didn’t have workers’ compensation coverage or refuses to file a claim, it may be in your best interest to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney.

At the Buckeye Law Group, we can help you understand your rights and determine if you have a valid claim. We’ll also help you gather evidence and build your case so that you can receive fair compensation for your injuries.

To schedule your free case evaluation, call 1-800-411-PAIN.