Are Motorcycle Accidents Treated Differently than Other Auto Accidents in Ohio?

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Motorcycles are at a disadvantage in a collision. A car’s larger frame, massive weight and abundance of protections shield drivers and passengers from many crash injuries. Riders have no such luxury.

The challenges motorcyclists face after being involved in a crash with a car or truck driver go beyond just more severe injuries and disabilities. It’s not uncommon for their personal injury claim experience to contrast starkly with that of a car owner.

Motorcycle Accidents vs. Car Accidents

Legally, motorcycle accidents and car accidents are the same. The difference stems from the more serious injuries motorcyclists incur in an accident and prejudices against them.

Motorcycle Accident Damages

Because motorcyclists are more vulnerable than car owners, they often sustain more severe injuries after collisions, even minor ones. These injuries are often inflicted upon critical parts of the body like the head or spine. As a result, they suffer from higher medical expenses that could exceed their insurance policy limit and lead to longer convalescences that could affect their income.

Their extreme injuries might also prevent them from giving their side of the story to the police. A seriously injured motorcyclist is often carried off in the ambulance in the immediate aftermath of a motorcycle accident. In those situations, the police will only have access to the car driver’s testimony. Consequently, if that driver says they weren’t at fault, that’s all the police will put in their report, which can negatively affect a motorcyclist’s personal injury claim.

Another obstacle for motorcyclists pursuing a personal injury claim is bias. Insurance adjusters, jurors, judges and other drivers tend to imagine motorcyclists as reckless. Because of this, their first instinct might be to blame them for the accident, especially if the defendant spins the narrative in a way that leans into this bias.

Of course, not all motorcycle riders are reckless. Driving a motorcycle requires significant skill and focus that makes riders arguably more alert while on the road. Even so, breaking lifelong preconceptions within your personal injury claim’s short timeframe may be difficult. 

Both of these obstacles can make it harder for motorcyclists to receive the compensation they deserve, especially if they are fighting alone. Hiring a lawyer who has successfully supported other motorcyclists with their lawsuits against a car or truck driver may help strengthen your case.

What Should You Do If You’re in a Motorcycle Accident in Ohio?

Before you get in touch with a lawyer, there are steps you can take to bolster your personal injury claim:

  • Immediately after the motorcycle accident, get to a safe location. Leave the bike where it is to avoid tampering with evidence.
  • Keep your helmet on. Taking it off after a collision might exacerbate head, neck or spinal injuries or even cause them.
  • Trade insurance information with the other driver but refrain from discussing the accident with them. As your brain is battling against the shock and adrenaline coursing through your system, you may accidentally apologize or admit fault, which can later be used against you in court.
  • Call the police and get them to take your statement.
  • If your injuries allow it, before you go to a hospital, capture multiple, detailed images of the accident.
  • Get in contact with a lawyer before you repair your motorcycle. Documentation of the bike damage may help strengthen your personal injury claim.
  • Hold onto receipts for any accident-related expenses you had to pay out-of-pocket so that you can accurately assess all the accident-related costs you incurred in your settlement agreement.

No matter what type of vehicle you operate, if you’ve been hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s actions, you deserve just compensation. After the collision, you may be suffering from debilitating injuries that have caused significant physical and mental suffering. On top of that, as a motorcyclist, you may also have steep medical and bike repair costs to worry about. The Buckeye Law Group will help you pursue a personal injury claim and receive a fair settlement.

Discuss your case with an experienced lawyer today during a free consultation. Call 1-800-411-PAIN or visit our website to learn how we can support you.

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